
My name in Chinese: 王增志

Email: [email protected]

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👋 Hi!

I received my master's degree in Computer Science at the Nanjing University of Science & Technology advised by Prof. Rui Xia and Assoc. Prof. Jianfei Yu. Now, I am working with Dr. Pengfei Liu at the Generative AI Research Lab (GAIR) to explore Generative AI.

🌻Research Interests

My research interests lie at the intersection of natural language processing and machine learning. From 2021 to 2022, I did research on Fine-Grained (i.e., Aspect-Based) Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining. Currently, I am doing some interesting research work to explore the following several areas:

🗞️ Latest News

<aside> ✌️ 2024.4: The first paper I wrote during my postgraduate studies was finally published in IEEE TKDE 2024! 2024.5: A paper accepted by ACL 2024 Main Conference. Congrats. to Qiming for her first ACL paper during her PhD. 2024.7: A paper (ChatGPT-Sentiment-Evaluation) accepted by COLM 2024 (the first conference on language modeling).


📜 Selected Publications

Please see my Google Scholar or  Semantic Scholar profiles for the full list.

(*: equal contribution)

OlymipcArena: Benchmarking Multi-discipline Cognitive Reasoning for Superintelligent AI

Zhen Huang, Zengzhi Wang, Shijie Xia, Xuefeng Li, Haoyang Zou, Ruijie Xu, Run-Ze Fan, Lyumanshan Ye, Ethan Chern, Yixin Ye, Yikai Zhang, Yuqing Yang, Ting Wu, Binjie Wang, Shichao Sun, Yang Xiao, Yiyuan Li, Fan Zhou, Steffi Chern, Yiwei Qin, Yan Ma, Jiadi Su, Yixiu Liu, Yuxiang Zheng, Shaoting Zhang, Dahua Lin, Yu Qiao, Pengfei Liu.

arXiv preprint. 2024. [Paper][Code][Homepage][🤗 Datasets][ 🤗 Competition][Featured by AK][机器之心]

Benchmarking Benchmark Leakage in Large Langauge Models

Ruijie Xu*, Zengzhi Wang*, Run-Ze Fan*, Pengfei Liu.

arXiv preprint. 2024. [Paper][Code][Homepage] [🤗 Demo]

Generative AI for Math: Part I — MathPile: A Billion-Token-Scale Pretraining Corpus for Math

Zengzhi Wang, Rui Xia, Pengfei Liu.

arXiv preprint. 2023. [Paper][Code][Homepage][ [🤗 Datasets]Featured by AK] [机器之心] (🌟Also featured on the Huggingface Datasets Trending List)

Ask Again, Then Fail: Large Language Models’ Vacillations in Judgment.

Qiming Xie*, Zengzhi Wang*, Yi Feng, Rui Xia.

To appear in ACL 2024 Main Conference (Top 2.7% in ARR 2024 Feb). [Paper] [Code][🤗 Datasets] [中文解读]

Is ChatGPT a Good Sentiment Analyzer? A Preliminary Study.

Zengzhi Wang, Qiming Xie, Yi Feng, Zixiang Ding, Zinong Yang, Rui Xia.

To appear in COLM 2024. [Paper] [Code]



🎓 Education & Research Experience

Generative AI Research Lab, 06/2023–Present

Research assistant, supervised by  Dr. Pengfei Liu .

Nanjing University of Science & Technology, 09/2021–04/2024.

Master’s student, doing research in the Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining.

Wuhan Institute of Technology, 09/2017–06/2021

Undergrad, majoring in Software Engineering.

🌱 Selected Honors & Awards